Progress for December 2005


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We're in Houston. Even though we're two time zones away, I still was able to watch the start of the pour on the front and uphill walls. We were just a little late for our morning activity. Here are a few pictures that I snapped from the webcam. I think that the neighbor is going to go back to digging up the alley tomorrow.

It's been almost a month since the last update of this site. There is been some progress, but it has been slow and not very visible. The West was is backfilled, and the North (street) wall is waterproofed. There are pipes laid that will carry away the water from the downspouts as well as the french drains around the foundation. The South wall (back of the house) has had its footings formed and poured. They have started to put up the forms for the South wall (they've taken a break for Christmas).

Next week I'm going to move the webcam higher on the pole and change out the plywood sunshade that is over the top of it. The thin plywood has warped and is encroaching on the top of the image. Once the basement walls are in, we need to pour the basement floor and then start framing.