Progress for April 2006


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They finally started framing yesterday. At around 8:30 on Monday morning, the first lumber arrived. This is the materials for framing the walls of the basement. Once those are framed, we'll move on to the main floor (which is supported by the basement walls).

The first wood to be installed was the pressure treated sill plates defining the walls. You can see a picture of Elaine standing in what will be "Elaine's Room". At the end of Tuesday, they had the the walls framed for for several rooms in the back corner (Dick's work office aka Shop 2, the guest bathroom, and parts of the guest bedroom. They are measuring each stud individually to the string defining the top of the wall as basement floors aren't always particularly flat. The framers commented that our concrete floors were better than most in that respect. After weeks of rain, it is great that we are having a few days of sunshine (though there is a 30% chance of rain on Friday).