Day 9, Tuesday, 8/15/2023, Field Museum

Today we went to the Field Museum of Natural History. It's in the same museum complex as the planetarium we went to yesterday but we didn't have time yesterday to do them both.


The Field Museum has many dinosaur skeletons. The first thing you see in the main hall is a titanasaur. It is the largest animal ever to live on land. Also in the main hall is a pterodactyl. Many more dinosarus are upstairs.

The most complete T-Rex skeleton ever found was found by Sue Hendrickson and assembled at the Field Museum. In her honor, the T-Rex is known as Sue. The T-Rex was the apex predator of its time.

We had lunch at the museum cafe. We shared a small pizza and a 12 inch hot dog. The dog was apparently a classic Chicago hot dog. It had mustard, onions, hot peppers, dill pickle, tomatoes, and maybe other things. I didn't think to take a picture until after I finished my half. Here is a picture of Bruce's half.

Elsewhere in the museum there was a huge collection of birds. I took a couple of pictures.

There was a large ancient Egypt exhibit. Here are a some sarcophaguses and a statue of a cat being worshiped as a god.

In one of the exhibits there was a camera that showed the surface temperature of various part of your body as different colors. Both Bruce and I tried it out.

There is a display case with several robots that were used for observing animals at a distance. The one I liked looked and acted enough like a manta ray that real rays were comfortable around it. Bruce is pretty sure than his older brother wrote the software that operates the robot when it is swimming.

Finally, at the end of the day, we had put in 49 miles, which included driving to breakfast and to the supercharger to get ready for tomorrow.

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