Dick and Bruce's Keys Adventure

Starting Saturday morning, July 6, 2024, my good friend Bruce and I are off on our fifth Tesla odyssey that goes to Key West, Florida this time. We're taking my Model S since it is grandfathered into free super charging. I'll be driving down to his house in Menlo Park, CA on July 5 and we'll head off the following morining.

We're going to stop and see my daughter Marjorie (plus hubby and my grandkids) on the evening of the 6th. Then we'll go to Vail, AZ (just south-east of Tucson) and spend time with Bruce's brother and niece. Next, on to Houston, TX to see my sister and niece. It's over 1000 miles to Houston from Vail so we'll likely spend the night somewhere along the road. Plans are for two nights with each sibling.

We don't have any specific plans for where to stop between Houston and Key West, but it's another 1300 miles so that will take 2 or 3 days. Maybe 4 days or more if we find something interesting along the way. We spent several days in New Orleans on our third adventure so we may or may not stop there for a night.

Our plans are so flexible that I'm not going to show a planned route map like I did on the other adventures. The weather may affect our route. There is a hurricane in Houston at the moment which could be a problem, though we don't plan to be in Houston until four days from now.

We will try to update this website every evening with a few pictures and short descriptions of what we did that day.

Now that the trip is finished, here is a map of the route that we did take.

Daily Progress

Check Out Our Previous Adventures

Dick and Bruce's Excellent Adventure (9/17/21 to 9/30/21)

Dick and Bruce's Northern Adventure (5/17/22 to 5/29/22)

Dick and Bruce go to NOLA (4/2/23 to 4/18/23)

Dick and Bruce's Windy City Adventure (8/7/23 to 8/24/23)